The Yaesu FT-902DM is an excellent HF transceiver covering 160 to 10 meters (and WWV 5 MHz receive). Coverage includes: 1.8-2, 3.5-4, 7-7.5, 14-14.5, 18-18.5, 21-21.5, 24.5-25, 28-28.5, 28.5-29, 20-29.5, 29.5-29.9 MHz. Modes include: LSB, USB, AM, CW, FM and FSK. Passband tuning is continuousely adjustable from 300 to 2400 Hz. Powerinput is 180 watts SSB PEP, 180 watts CW DC and 80 watts AM/FM/FSK. This radio does not have general coverage receive. There is a built-in speaker. Operates from 100/110/117/200/220/234 VAC 50/60 Hz or 13.5 VDC.
The Yaesu FT-902D is similar, but without the keyer, memory unit and DC-DC converter.
Rating | Title | Submitted |
excelent vintage | 10 months ago by Carlos Wenzel | |
FT902dm | 10 years ago by ik2yra |
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