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Handheld 2m Transceiver
VHF airband receiver


HAM bands 2m  6m 
Freq. stability ? ?
Tuning steps 5 / 10 / 15 / 25 / 30 kHz ?


RX-range 143.5-149 MHz 118-136 MHz
Modulations FM   AM  
Sensitivity Better than .5 µV for 20 dB quieting
Squelch: Less than .4 µV
Selectivity More than +/- 7.5 kHz at -6 dB
Less than +/- 15 kHz at -60 dB
Filters ? ?
Receiver system Double Conversion SuperHeterodyne XTAL
IF-freqs. 1st: 10.7 MHz
2nd: 455 kHz
Image rejection ? ?
Audio output 325 mW at 8 ohms ?


TX-range 143.5-149 MHz -
Modulations FM   -
RF-output High: 2.5 W, Low: 0.3 W ?


Antenna BNC BNC
Impedance 50Ω 50Ω
Other - -


Power req. 8.4 V DC NiCd 9 V DC
Current RX 25-180 mA ?
TX 750-375 mA -


Manufactured Between 1983 and 198x in USA Between 1982 and 1985 in Japan
Dimensions 169 × 66 × 41 mm
(6.65 × 2.60 × 1.61 in)
62 × 116 × 29 mm
(2.44 × 4.57 × 1.14 in)
Weight 496 gr (1.1 lbs) with battery pack ?
Form factor Handheld Handheld

Other features

Memories 10 channels in 1 bank(s) 3 channels in 1 bank(s)
Usage Amateur / Ham radio operators Amateur / Ham radio operators
Features Memory Lock out
Selectable Skip (stop 2 sec before resuming scan) or Hold (stop and hold) on busy frequency
Modifiable Band Scan
Selectable Power Level (300mW / 2.5 W)
Quick-Release Battery Pack
Accessories ? ?