Geloso manuals and documents

We have documentation available for many models. Our database currently spans over 4.1 GB of data. Please use the search option above to find documents for your specific rig.

Name Pub. date File type Uploaded
Geloso G-208A diagram
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Geloso G-208A specifications (Italian)
Scan of specifications sheet, Italian
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Geloso G-209R diagram
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Geloso G-209R specifications (Italian)
Scan of specifications sheet, in Italian
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Geloso G-212TR diagram
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Geloso G-212TR specifications (Italian)
Scan of specifications sheet, in Italian
JPG, Unknown size 10 years ago
Document preview Geloso G207 - Schematic
PDF, 146.5 kB 1 year ago
Document preview Geloso G4/223 Instruction Manual (En/It)
Instruction manual for the Geloso G4/223 50W HF transmitter, in English and Italian. Contains installation and operation instructions, technical specifications, block diagrams, schematic diagrams and parts list. 21 pages.
1964 PDF, 2.44 MB 4 years ago
8 item(s)