Manuals, Documents and Downloads

We have documentation available for many models. Our database currently spans over 4.1 GB of data. Please use the search option above to find documents for your specific rig.

Name Pub. date File type Uploaded
Document preview Bearcat Thin Scan (BC Four SIX TS) User Manual
7 page manual with instructions and circuit diagram.
1979 PDF, 1.92 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Veep Block diagram
Single page scan.
PDF, 561.6 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President Veep Circuit Diagram
Single page scan.
PDF, 551.8 kB 4 years ago
President KP-44 print board (top)
Photo of the inside of this rig.
JPEG, 245.3 kB 4 years ago
President KP-44 print board (bottom)
Photo of the bottom of the main circuit board.
JPEG, 255.6 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President KP-77 Handleiding / Circuit diagram
Manual and circuit diagrams. Dutch.
PDF, 18.84 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President PC 404 Circuit Diagram
Single page
PDF, 1,009.7 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President Teddy Owner's Manual
French / Spanish / English / Polish, 52 pages.
Jun 2011 PDF, 1.43 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President William Owner's Manual
English / Spanish / French / Italian. 28 pages.
PDF, 2.30 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Washington Service Manual
14 pages
1978 PDF, 769.2 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President Randy Technical Documents
Technical documents for t President Randy for after service (Service Manual). Circuit + block diagrams, board layouts. 40 pages.
Feb 1997 PDF, 576.5 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President Valery Circuit Diagram
Circuit and block diagrams, board layouts and technical specifications. 6 pages.
PDF, 2.76 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Harry Service Manual
Circuit diagrams, block diagrams, board layouts and parts list.34 pages.
1995 PDF, 2.01 MB 4 years ago
Document preview Zachary T Block
Block schedule
PDF, 97.5 kB 4 years ago
Document preview Zachary T
PDF, 390.4 kB 4 years ago
1681 item(s)