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If you had the opportunity to look into the radio room of most ocean going commercial ships, chances are the integrated bridge, radar and Inmarsat equipment would be made by the Japan Radio Company. This company founded in 1915, is clearly the leading manufacturer of top quality commercial maritime radio communications equipment in the world. The JRC NRD-545 DSP is the latest receiver in this very long and very proud tradition. And the '545' may be the finest receiver they have ever offered. The substantial size and ergonomic layout, make this receiver a pleasure to operate. Intuitive knob layout, a conventional keypad, and separate buttons means that this receiver is comfortable and straightforward to operate. You won't find a button on the NRD-545 with six different functions! The multicolored display, is the clearest and most attractive in the industry.

Despite its outward good looks, the real power of this receiver is inside. The NRD-545 DSP is different from any receiver you have previously owned. Clear, distortion-free sound reproduction is possible through the magic of true digital signal processing at the IF level. The receiving system employs a triple conversion circuit with IFs at 70.455 MHz, 455 kHz and 20.22 kHz. The NRD-545 uses a 40-bit extended floating point Digital Signal Processor with an 18-bit over-sampling system A/D converter and a 16-bit D/A converter. The DSP functions on 13 types of circuits after the IF, previously configured using analog circuits. DSP is used for all-mode detection including AM synchronous detection (ECSS). Incredible selectivity characteristics are achieved by the use of an Infinite Impulse, structure concurrent Chebyshev-type digital filter. In English this means, the NRD-545 gives you a continuously variable bandwidth from 10 Hz to 10 kHz in 10 Hz steps. You virtually have 990 different bandwidths, each with excellent adjacent channel rejection. DSP is also used to control Pass Band Shift, another tool to reduce QRM. A 256 step DSP Noise reduction circuit and 256 step DSP Beat Canceller and DSP Auto-Track Notch are other new tools in your arsenal to dig out difficult DX signals. The DSP AGC works in all modes and is continuously variable from .04 to 5 seconds in SSB/CW/RTTY. 1000 Memories store: frequency, mode, bandwidth, ATT, AGC and step. Other refinements include: keypad, DSP Squelch, RS-232 port, ECSS, Dial Lock, Tone, RF Gain, Scan, Sweep, Mute, Dimmer, Clock-Timer, Adjustable Dial Torque, Attenuator, modular construction and two Noise Blankers. A basic Baudot RTTY demodulator, feeding the RS-232 port, is even included. You may customize many functions of the receiver by simply pressing the [FUNC] key followed by the [ENT/kHz] key. Twenty five parameters may be set to your personal needs. Click here to view user setups. The NRD-545 operates from several power sources including: 100, 120, 220 or VAC ± or from 12 to 16 VDC (13.8 VDC). This switch is located on the rear panel. The supplied accessories include a DC power cord, spare fuse and various plugs.

The NRD-545 is without question, the most sophisticated receiver ever developed for the hobby market.
(Please note that this radio does not receive the FM broadcast band).

General characteristics

HAM bands
Frequency stability
±10ppm or less for 5min. to 60min. after tuning the power on, thereafter ±2 ppm or less per hour, and ±0.5 ppm or less (with option TCXO installed)
Tuning steps
1 / 10 / 100 Hz / 1 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 / 100 kHz
1000 channels in 1 bank(s)


0.1-2000 MHz (NRD-545G)
0.1-824 / 849-869 / 894-1850 / 1910-1930 / 1990-2000 MHz (NRD-545U)
AM   AM-sync   FM   W-FM   CW   USB   LSB   RTTY  
LSB/USB/CW/RTTY 2,4 kHz, 10 dB S+N/N
< 5,0 µV (0,100...0,499999 MHz),
< 2,0 µV (0,5...1,599999 MHz),
< 0,32 µV (1,6...29,999999 MHz)
AM 2,4 kHz, 30% AM-modulation with 400 Hz
< 15,8 µV (0,100...0,499999 MHz),
< 6,3 µV (0,5...1,599999 MHz),
< 2,0 µV (1,6...29,999999 MHz),
< 3,2 µV (30...1000 MHz),
< 3,2 µV (1260...1300 MHz)
< 0,5 µV (1,6...29,999999 MHz),
< 0,8 µV (30...1000 MHz)<
< 0,8 µV (1260...1300 MHz)
< 2,0 µV (30...1000 MHz)
with optional CHE-199
WIDE 4.5 kHz
Better than 4,5 kHz (-6dB), less then 8,0 kHz (-60 db)
INTER 2.4 kHz
Better than 2,4 kHz (-6 dB), less then 5,0 kHz (-60 db)
Better than 1,0 kHz (-6 dB), less then 4,0 kHz (-60 dB)
FM 10 kHz
Better than 10 kHz (-6 dB)
10Hz - 10kHz in 10 Hz steps
Receiver system
Triple conversion + DSP
1st: 70.445 MHz
2nd: 455 kHz
3rd 20.22 kHz (DSP)
Image rejection
> 70 dB
Audio output
1 W @ (4 ohms @ 10% THD)


SO-239 + Clamps / screws
50 / 600Ω


Power requirements
13.8V DC or mains
Current drain RX
40 W max


Dimensions (w×h×d)
330 × 130 × 285 mm (12.99 × 5.12 × 11.22 in) without protrusions
7.50 kg (16.5 lbs) approx.
Form factor
Base Station
Between 199x and 200x in Japan

Other features

Amateur / Ham radio operators
Features + options
DSP, RS-232, RTTY demodulator, Timer
RigReference ID

Manuals, diagrams and brochures

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Reviews & stories

Rating Title Submitted
JRC NRD 545 DSP 10 years ago by NL11673
JRC NRD-545 14 years ago by clifftoken

New and second-hand prices

Estimating the value of a rig can be challenging. We collect prices paid by real hams over the years to help you estimate the value of a used JRC NRD-545. Just bought or sold this model? Let us know what you traded it for and help other ham operators!

Based on historic data, today's second-hand price of the JRC NRD-545 is around:

  • EUR 251.00 ~ EUR 96.00
  • USD 191.00 ~ USD 301.00

Price History Chart

These estimates are based on the following prices:

Year Historic price Condition Submitted by
2013 USD 2299.00 Used / Good eBay
2013 EUR 1000.00 Used / Mint NL11673
2013 USD 1200.00 Used / Mint dxace1
2010 USD 1469.95 New / Good universal-radio
2009 EUR 900.00 Used / Mint pd0ejn

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