Galaxy V Mark II reviews

Galaxy V Mark II
Desktop Shortwave Transceiver

Price History Chart

Original Galaxy V Mk 1


bought from the USA in 2003 totally refurbished with a Drake power unit, had to adapt this to UK mains supply.The radio has it's problems which I have been unable to completely resolve,but it does work and works well,puts out around 200 watts on 40,20 & 15 meters audio reports are very good with my Shure 444 desk mic,it does drift in frequency like all valve/tube radios until it warms up maybe 40 minutes or so,it is not the easiest radio to use but once you get used to it.Receive is good but can get overpowered by strong signals when the bands are crowded.The radio is not for the faint hearted it's not for first time buyer, but it is fun, it is unusual,and eventually very rewarding.It does need a separate speaker.There are some high voltages in this radio as in other high powered valve radios which can KILL, so great care must be taken when working on it or even replacing valves/tubes etc.,so make sure it is switched off and left for maybe 15 minutes for the capacitors to discharge.

Build quality
User friendliness
Value for money
Good condition in 2014
GBP 150.00

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