President manuals and documents

We have documentation available for many models. Our database currently spans over 4.1 GB of data. Please use the search option above to find documents for your specific rig.

Name Pub. date File type Uploaded
Document preview President Jackson Owner's Manual
6 pages.
PDF, 957.3 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President Jackson Service Manual
41 pages, cat. no. UT-547C/D.
PDF, 1.59 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Jackson-2 Multi
Mod file
PDF, 49.8 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President James Maintenance Manual
Board layouts, block and schematic diagrams, parts list, alignment instructions, voltage tables. 78 pages.
PDF, 2.86 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President JFK II Owner's manual (EN/FR/ES/DE)
56 page owner's manual in 4 languages.
Jun 2008 PDF, 1.67 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President JFK-2
Mod file
PDF, 1.48 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Jimmy Instruction Manual
French / Spanish / English / German, 44 pages.
2009 PDF, 1.48 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Johnny III Instruction Manual
French / Spanish / English / Polish
2005 PDF, 1.91 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Johnson II Instruction Manual
French / Dutch (Nederlands)
2007 PDF, 1.27 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Johnson Instruction Manual
French / Spanish / English / German, 48 pages.
PDF, 1.66 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President KP-33 Circuit diagram
Technical specifications, board layout., schematic diagrams. 5 pages, specs in German.
May 1980 PDF, 1.21 MB 4 years ago
President KP-44 print board (bottom)
Photo of the bottom of the main circuit board.
JPEG, 255.6 kB 4 years ago
President KP-44 print board (top)
Photo of the inside of this rig.
JPEG, 245.3 kB 4 years ago
Document preview President KP-77 Handleiding / Circuit diagram
Manual and circuit diagrams. Dutch.
PDF, 18.84 MB 4 years ago
Document preview President Lincoln Bible
PDF, 307.5 kB 4 years ago
127 item(s)