The ICOM IC-7200 is a robustly built amateur transceiver providing coverage of HF amateur bands plus 6 meters. Power is 100 watts. Features include easy-to-use controls, DSP filtering with 51 passband widths, digital twin passband tuning, manual notch filter, keypad entry, dual VFOs, large display, voice synthesizer, 201 memories, 20 dB attenuator, preamp, 6 kHz roofing filter, RIT, scanning, 1 Hz step tuning and more! The excellent general coverage receiver tunes from 30 kHz to 60 MHz. The meter displays Power/SWR/ALC. Power is 2 to 100 watts (40W AM).
The IC-7200 is not waterproof.
Rating | Title | Submitted |
Great Radio BUT? | 3 years ago by kv4io | |
Exceptional Basic HF Transceiver | 10 years ago by jmsurprenant | |
IC-7200 | 14 years ago by atkins.david |
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Based on historic data, today's second-hand price of the ICOM IC-7200 is around:
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