Price history chart Yaesu FT-817ND

Year Historic price Condition Submitted by
2024 USD 1.00 New / Good kb1chu
2021 USD 670.00 Used / Mint mautas
2020 EUR 250.00 Used / Good oe3gas
2019 USD 500.00 Used / Good KI5DZL
2019 USD 500.00 Used / Good KI5DZL
2019 USD 600.00 Used / Good nd3q
2018 EUR 350.00 New / Mint Stefan Andreas
2015 USD 550.00 Used / Good ke3oxmsd
2014 EUR 350.00 Used / Good PA1EC
2010 EUR 392.40 New / Mint eBay
2010 CAD 499.00 Used / Good eBay
2010 EUR 529.00 New / Good
2009 USD 650.00 Used / Good qualsh

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The RigReference Price History Chart is based on prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history charts are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Feel free to enter what you paid for your rig!

New or as new
All functions operational. Minor exterior signs of use acceptable
All functions operational. Minor repairs or adjustments may be necessary. Exterior may show signs of use
Some non-critical functions may need attention. Exterior shows clear sign of use
Critical functions non-operational. Parts might be missing or broken