I bought my BC9000 in about 2007, it's had various issues over the time that I've owned it.
I found it extremely easy to program and it was one of the first scanners I ever owned.
The squelch control works opposite to most other radios, I'd not struck this prior to owning
this particular model.
I fitted this radio with a discriminator tap, to work with the paging software PDW, this in
itself was surprisingly simple and it worked a treat.
However, a year or two ago, the squelch circuit started to play up and eventually stopped working all
together, which at the time, wasn't really that much of an issue with decoding pager stuff on one frequency only.
Last year sometime, I suspect that the front end circuitry was damaged by a spike of some kind and the radio does not recieve at all, I intend to look into this further, as this radio is certainly worth keeping and I would recommend this model of radio to anyone looking to buy one.