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Portable Shortwave Transceiver
Desktop Shortwave Transceiver


HAM bands 40m  15m  160m  80m  60m  40m  30m (WARC)  20m  17m (WARC)  15m  12m (WARC)  11m (CB)  10m 
Freq. stability ? Better than 0.34 p.p.m.
Tuning steps ? ?


RX-range 7-7.1 / 21-21.45 MHz 0.1-30 MHz
Modulations CW   SSB   AM   USB   LSB  
Sensitivity ? J3E (SSB) <10 dB/µV for 20 dB SINAD
H3E (AM) <24 dB/µV for 20 dB SINAD
Selectivity ? J3E (SSB) 350 Hz to 2700 Hz at -6 dB
H3E (AM) ±3.3 kHz at -6 dB
Filters ? ?
Receiver system ? Double conversion super heterodyne
IF-freqs. ? 1st IF 70 MHz. 2nd 10.73 MHz
Image rejection ? ≥ 70 dB
Audio output ? ?


TX-range 15 + 40m 1.6-30 MHz
Modulations CW   SSB   AM   USB   LSB  
RF-output 1/10 W 250 W (PEP)


Antenna SO-239 -
Impedance 50Ω 50Ω
Other - -


Power req. 12-15 V DC 24 V DC - 10% +30%
Current RX ? 0.9 A
TX 3 A max 13 A max


Manufactured Between 1982 and 1986 in Japan Between 19xx and 19xx in Denmark
Dimensions 250 × 115 × 90 mm
(9.84 × 4.53 × 3.54 in)
Weight 2.70 kg (6.0 lbs) incl. battery and antenna 4.50 kg (9.9 lbs)
Form factor Portable Base Station

Other features

Memories ? 100 channels in 1 bank(s)
Usage Amateur / Ham radio operators Marine / Navy
Features ? Quick selection of 2182 kHz
Built-in two tone alarm: 1300 Hz and 2200 Hz with a duration of 45 secs
Accessories ? ?
MPN JRC-JST-000010 SAILOR-T002130