Amateur radio equipment prices

The RigReference Price History feature is a collection of real-world prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history diagrams are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Rig Price Condition Year Submitted
Lafayette HA-650 USD 132.50 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Lafayette HE-30 (KT-320) USD 56.00 Used / Okay 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Lafayette HE-30 (KT-320) USD 25.00 Used / Okay 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Lafayette HA-460 USD 87.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal RA-6790/GM USD 695.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal MRR-5WP USD 297.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal MRR-5WP USD 203.50 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal TRA-921 USD 134.27 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal RA-6790/GM USD 850.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal 25 USD 144.95 Used / Fair 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal RA-6790/GM USD 800.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal 25 USD 350.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal 25 USD 384.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
14 years ago
Racal RA-6778Q USD 169.49 Used / Okay 2010 eBay
14 years ago
NCG 10/160M USD 850.00 New / Mint 1984 N8DE
14 years ago
2960 item(s)

How to add prices?

  1. Go to your rig of choice
  2. Scroll down to the Prices section
  3. Enter what you paid for your rig
You need an account in order to be able to enter prices