Amateur radio equipment prices

The RigReference Price History feature is a collection of real-world prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history diagrams are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Rig Price Condition Year Submitted
RadioShack / Realistic DX-200 USD 75.00 New / Good 1981 W0IW
13 years ago
Tecsun PL-600 USD 69.00 New / Mint 2010 W0IW
13 years ago
Elecraft K3 USD 1500.00 New / Mint 2008 W0IW
13 years ago
Ten-Tec Eagle (599) USD 1799.00 New / Mint 2010 k4rch
13 years ago
Yaesu FT-897 USD 800.00 New / Mint 2009 MARK
13 years ago
Heathkit HW-29A 'Sixer' USD 15.00 Used / Poor 2009 KD8GNC
13 years ago
Ten-Tec Argonaut V (516) USD 890.00 New / Mint 2007 KD8GNC
13 years ago
Drake 1-A USD 600.00 Used / Good 2006 pgentry
13 years ago
E.F. Johnson Desk Kilowatt USD 1500.00 Used / Mint 1992 pgentry
13 years ago
FlexRadio FLEX-5000A USD 2400.00 New / Mint 2008 W0DHB
13 years ago
Yaesu FL-2100Z EUR 625.00 Used / Good 2010 eBay
13 years ago
Yaesu FT-101ZD EUR 355.88 Used / Good 2010 eBay
13 years ago
Yaesu FT-900 EUR 445.44 Used / Good 2010 eBay
13 years ago
Yaesu FT-8800R EUR 259.00 Used / Mint 2010 eBay
13 years ago
Yaesu FL-200B EUR 70.00 Used / Poor 2010 eBay
13 years ago
2971 item(s)

How to add prices?

  1. Go to your rig of choice
  2. Scroll down to the Prices section
  3. Enter what you paid for your rig
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