Amateur radio equipment prices

The RigReference Price History feature is a collection of real-world prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history diagrams are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Rig Price Condition Year Submitted
Yaesu FRG-7700 EUR 150.00 Used / Good 2022 oe3gas
1 year ago
Yaesu FRG-7 EUR 100.00 Used / Good 2018 oe3gas
1 year ago
ELAD FDM-DUOr EUR 750.00 Used / Mint 2019 oe3gas
1 year ago
ICOM IC-7300 EUR 950.00 Used / Mint 2019 oe3gas
1 year ago
Yaesu FT-818 EUR 550.00 Used / Mint 2021 oe3gas
1 year ago
Yaesu FT-817ND EUR 250.00 Used / Good 2020 oe3gas
1 year ago
Yaesu FT-2980R USD 400.00 New / Mint 2022 Adrian Gonzalez
1 year ago
Kenwood TS-430S USD 500.00 Used / Good 2019 Adrian Gonzalez
1 year ago
Kenwood TS-850S USD 1000.00 Used / Good 2021 Adrian Gonzalez
1 year ago
ICOM IC-R1 USD 40.00 Used / Good 2022 Pete Miller
1 year ago
Apache Labs Anan-200D USD 155.00 Used / Okay 2022 KMac
1 year ago
Tecsun PL-380 EUR 48.83 New / Mint 2022 Sandip
1 year ago
ICOM IC-27A USD 50.00 Used / Okay 2022 Joseph B. Randall
1 year ago
ICOM IC-R100 EUR 200.00 Used / Good 2022 SWL_de
1 year ago
Kenwood TS-450S USD 400.00 Used / Good 2021 KY4GD
1 year ago
2960 item(s)

How to add prices?

  1. Go to your rig of choice
  2. Scroll down to the Prices section
  3. Enter what you paid for your rig
You need an account in order to be able to enter prices