Amateur radio equipment prices

The RigReference Price History feature is a collection of real-world prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history diagrams are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Rig Price Condition Year Submitted
Ten-Tec Orion II (566) USD 3100.00 Used / Mint 2011 K8AC
12 years ago
Kenwood TH-D72 USD 490.00 New / Mint 2010 KD8LDX
12 years ago
ICOM IC-706MKIIG USD 799.00 New / Mint 2002 n1gy
12 years ago
ICOM IC-1200 AUD 300.00 Used / Okay 2011 VK3ZAQ
12 years ago
ICOM IC-1275 AUD 1500.00 Used / Good 2011 VK3ZAQ
12 years ago
ICOM IC-1271 AUD 1200.00 Used / Good 2011 VK3ZAQ
12 years ago
Yaesu FT-2312R AUD 450.00 Used / Okay 2011 VK3ZAQ
12 years ago
Yaesu FT-2311R AUD 400.00 Used / Good 2011 VK3ZAQ
12 years ago
Wouxun KG-703E EUR 138.00 New / Good 2011 0452303640
12 years ago
FlexRadio FLEX-1500 GBP 500.00 New / Mint 2011 marklejim
12 years ago
Racal RA-1217 EUR 150.00 Used / Good 2006 radiostacja
12 years ago
Ten-Tec Omni V (562) EUR 500.00 Used / Good 2011 oibaf55
12 years ago
Kenwood TS-830S GBP 300.00 Used / Mint 2011 SQ5RDM
12 years ago
Roberts RC-828 EUR 225.00 New / Mint 2005 freddymcgavin
12 years ago
Yaesu FT-450D USD 1320.00 New / Good 2011 itsmem
12 years ago
2960 item(s)

How to add prices?

  1. Go to your rig of choice
  2. Scroll down to the Prices section
  3. Enter what you paid for your rig
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