Amateur radio equipment prices

The RigReference Price History feature is a collection of real-world prices collected from (mostly) licenced ham operators and key resellers. Price history diagrams are created for every rig, indicating the price history through time. This allows you to make an educated estimate of the current value of the rig.

Rig Price Condition Year Submitted
RadioShack / Realistic Pro-197 USD 375.00 New / Mint 2013 stok573
8 years ago
RadioShack / Realistic Pro-2005 USD 50.00 Used / Fair 2013 stok573
8 years ago
RadioShack / Realistic Pro-106 USD 150.00 Used / Mint 2013 stok573
8 years ago
National Company NCX-3 USD 350.00 Used / Good 2015 alessandro.meregalli
8 years ago
Hammarlund HQ-205 USD 199.95 New / Mint 1968 NN4BJ
8 years ago
Philips D-2935 EUR 160.00 New / Mint 1982 h.p.holts
8 years ago
Hammarlund HQ-205 USD 199.95 New / Mint 1968 NN4BJ
8 years ago
Alinco DR-605E EUR 195.00 New / Mint 2015 F5VLB
8 years ago
Kenwood TS-450S EUR 250.00 Used / Good 2015 F5VLB
8 years ago
Yaesu VR-5000 EUR 750.00 New / Mint 2015 F5VLB
8 years ago
AOR AR-5000+3 EUR 550.00 Used / Good 2010 F5VLB
8 years ago
Yaesu FT-980 USD 400.00 Used / Good 2015 gribenska
8 years ago
Hallicrafters SX-28 Super Skyrider USD 350.00 Used / Fair 2015 gsantacanav
8 years ago
Baofeng UV-5R USD 38.00 New / Mint 2013 KK4IBG
8 years ago
Heathkit GC-1A 'Mohican' USD 20.00 Used / Good 2013 KK4IBG
8 years ago
2960 item(s)

How to add prices?

  1. Go to your rig of choice
  2. Scroll down to the Prices section
  3. Enter what you paid for your rig
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