The 10 best Baofeng rigs on

RigReference's Top-10 lists are based on user reviews and ratings.

1 Baofeng RD-5R Baofeng RD-5R
Dual-band DMR handheld
Score 3.6 based on 1 review(s)
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2 Baofeng UV-25X4 Baofeng UV-25X4
Quad-band analog mobile transceiver
Score 3.6 based on 1 review(s)
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3 Baofeng UV-5X Baofeng UV-5X
Dual band FM Transceiver
Score 3.6 based on 1 review(s)
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4 Baofeng BF-A5 Baofeng BF-A5
UHF Transceiver
Score 4 based on 1 review(s)
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5 Baofeng BF-T1 Baofeng BF-T1
Compact PMR446 Transceiver
Score 4.1 based on 2 review(s)
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6 Baofeng UV-5R Baofeng UV-5R
Dual band FM Transceiver
Score 4.53333 based on 3 review(s)
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Rigs with higher overall ratings may end up lower on the top-10 list because older reviews carry less weight.

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Tip: More Top-10's available from the manufacturers pages.